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All PrimeLab Validators are Open Source software registered to a PrimeLab account. The system rewards for supplying utility and driving usage.


The CPU validator is a node on the network that provides CPU power to one or multiple virtual machines that perform work for the network’s users. CPUs perform web3 user instructions and confirm other peer nodes have processed their instructions correctly. It is a quantitative validator type whose cost of services is proportional to its energy cost, speed, and quality.


GPU validators are cloud graphics cards used by one or millions of customers, depending on their size and speed. A GPU validator can be a single computer or a warehouse of converted Bitcoin miners or Asics. Single computers may be rented for online gaming, while warehouses are rented for machine learning training, image/video rendering, or running a validator for another blockchain on top of PrimeLab.


There are Multiple Storage Validator types. PrimeLab’s software runs on their device when a validator joins the system to determine which validator configuration will earn the most coins based on ecosystem demand, hardware capabilities, and latency. Example configurations are RAM, Hard drive, Fast Compute, Cold Storage, etc., based on hardware and internet speed.


Suppose your node is reliable and has a good balance; it may be selected as one of a pool of Admin validators. If desired, it will keep track of the performance of the other validators, take action to move validators depending on resource requests, calculate penalties, and more.


Primelab focuses on Validatornomics instead of Tokenomics, focusing on rewarding for utility and allowing for a long-term upgradable ecosystem. The Primelab Web3 ecosystem consists of two validators: Quantitative like Hardware and Qualitative like Investors or Affiliates. An example might be, Ecosystem participants purchasing hardware validator resources to run applications on a decentralized cloud. Calculating how much a validator will earn on the Web 3 ecosystem depends on a FAK with the consensus types of usage and utility in relation to three main constants: Energy, Data, and Latency.


Validator Calculator


Validator Type


0% 0% 100%


FAK Usage

200,000 0 1,000,000

Passmark Score What is Passmark?

4,200 1 100,000

Low Medium High

Passmark Score (Operations/Second)What is Passmark?

10,000 1 30,000

Low Medium High

Passmark Score (Read/Write) What is Passmark?

65,000 1 65,000

HDD Hybrid SSD

Storage Amount

50,000 100 GB 100,000 GB

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